哲思&人文 - 和平之路


"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." - Matthew 5:9
 -> 祈祷关爱和平,乃上帝之儿女 (瑪5:9)

"Integrity is one of several paths. It distinguishes itself from the others because it is the right path and the only one upon which you will never get lost." - M.H. McKee
 -> 正直是人生的选择, 是选择区别与他人、从不迷失自己的正确道路

"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive." - Eleonora Duse

 -> 如果蓝天的光辉充满着你的快乐,如果大自然的简洁带给你易读的诗篇,我们欢呼,你的灵魂与天地同在(爱莲诺拉.杜丝)

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain

 -> 善良为语言,聋子能见,哑巴能听 (马克.吐温)

"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light." - Helen Keller

 -> 信念是支离破碎的世界在阳光中暴露无遗的力量 (海伦.凯勒)

"This is courage?to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends." - Euripedes

 -> 什么是真正的勇气?——勇敢去坚强地承受上天赋予我们的一切 (欧里庇德斯)

"Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark." - George Iles

 -> 在黑暗中探索,不仅仅是希望之所在 (乔治.艾尔斯)

"We must not only give what we have; we must also give what we are." - Desire-Joseph Mercier

 -> 奉献我们所拥有的,以及属于我们的

"I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love." - Mother Teresa

 -> 这是我终于明白的矛盾,爱是一种伤害,爱到无痛,爱到永远(德蕾莎修女)

"Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on, Hold fast, Hold out. Patience is genius." - Comte Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon

 -> 上帝的迟到并不是上帝的疏忽,坚定你的信念,牢固你的信念,坚持你的信念,耐心则是真诚 (布丰)

"The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

 -> 在这个世界上重要的不是我们在哪里,而是我们向什么方向前进的抉择 (奥利佛.温德尔.霍姆斯)

"A single grateful thought raised to heaven is the most perfect prayer." - Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

 -> 能在心中激发起对上天的一缕感激之情乃是最好的祈祷者(莱辛)

"Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right." - Ezra Taft Benson

 -> 傲慢关系到谁是谁非,谦卑关系到什么才是真理 (埃兹拉.塔夫脱.本森)

"Forgiveness is the answer to the child's dream of a miracle by which what is broken is made whole again, what is soiled is again made clean." - Dag Hammarskjold
 -> 宽容是对儿童美梦成真的启迪 (达格.哈马舍尔)

"We must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
 -> 我们必须清楚,和平并不仅仅是我们所追求的一个遥远目标,而是通过追求便已经达到的目标。我们只能用和平的方式换回和平的结局 (马丁.路德.金)



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